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Jikuze na KUZA by 4G Capital: Jane Wanjugu's Story


In the heart of Kiawara, Jane Wanjugu holds the keys to the popular Classic Pub. Her journey into business began 25 years ago when she opened her first business on the property she owns with her husband. Being the business-savvy couple that they are, Jane decided to open a bar while her husband manages the rest of the property. When you step into their complex, their phenomenal growth is undeniable. They’ve rented out spaces to several business owners and have opened a second bar where their customers can wind down and catch good vibes.

Her journey has however not been short of its challenges. She recalls the early days, when attracting customers to the business was a breeze and their operating hours were not restricted. The people here, diligent farmers of onions, maize, and potatoes, are the lifeblood of her business and though economic cycles may ebb and flow, her commitment remains steadfast. Jane’s journey took an exciting turn in April, 2022 when KUZA by 4G Capital came knocking.

I’ve been in this business for 25 years. I learnt about KUZA through a message I received and I thought to check it out. They told me to join Kuza and they’ll give me stock. I applied and they gave me the loan I needed. Nilikuwa nimefurahi sana! I called my supplier to make sure they had seen the transaction. They had and said they’ll send the stock over to me! Nimekuwa kwa hii biashara kwa miaka 25 na sijawahi ona watu wengine kama KUZA.

- Jane Wanjugu, Bar Owner

Jane’s day begins at 8:00 AM, delving into her books and nurturing her business until around 5:00 PM. Suppliers visit thrice or four times a week, typically on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

My relationship manager, Naomi is great! She calls us to remind us about our due dates. She’s very good to us yet we’ve never met face to face. Nilitaka kuongezewa stock na mliniongezea ya Kes. 32,200. Na nimefurahi sana kwa kuniletea hiyo stock kwa sababu nisipokuwa na stock ya kutosha mnaniletea. Sasa hata nimefika Kes. 41,400.

- Jane Wanjugu, Bar Owner

As her business continues to grow, her need and ability to hire more employees has grown with it. She has 4 employees and counts herself as the fifth knowing that she too gets her daily bread from the business. Sabina, her loyal accountant, joined her two years ago. They were introduced by Jane’s son at the same time she discovered KUZA. They joked about the two relationships sharing a birthday of sorts.

Jane’s family is the tapestry of her life, woven together with six children the youngest being 22 years old. Through her business profits, she’s built a home and provided for her loved ones. As her dreams continue to flourish, she envisions adding a new chapter to her building—a bigger club next to her pub and keg bar, a testament to her unstoppable spirit.

Jane’s identity is not confined to the bar; she’s a farmer, too, cultivating wheat, onions, and more on her land. Her wisdom is profound, and her advise to fellow entrepreneurs to be fair with pricing and keep the flow of money in the community. Jane reminds us that business is not just about generating wealth; it’s about enriching lives.

KUZA wanatufanyia maneno mazuri. Ninaendelea nao wanijenge na me niwajenge. Ukichukua pesa na usiweke kwa biashara kweli kwani kesho utapata kitu? Yule mtu anapata Kes. 1,000 yake, anenda kununua mboga ndio akatie watu si atapata kitu?
Translation: KUZA is doing wonderful things for us. I will continue taking KUZA loans to grow myself. If you take a loan and not direct it to your business, what will you reap tomorrow? The one who takes Kes. 1000 buys vegetables and sells to get something little from it.

Jane Wanjugu, Bar Owner


About KUZA by 4G Capital

KUZA is 4G Capital's 14-day retail finance offered through stock credit and delivered through distributor partner networks across Kenya and Uganda. Learn more on


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